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Filed under: Personal Opinions, Security Articles
posted by D1m on 22 Jan 2007 06:41 am

The Evolution Of Cybercrime + Personal Opinion

Criminallawyergroup.com is a very interesting read as it gives an account on the evolution of cybercrime. Some good points are made towards the end about the lack of regard for the social aspect of cybercrime with most concentration on the financial side of things. It is worrying that cybercrime is reported to cost $50 billion globally per year.

In my opinion, as technologies advance, there will be always security vulnerabilities and cyber-criminals to exploit them for a variety of motivations (political, religious etc).

Most of the cyber-criminals are seeking financial gain rather than notoriety for their actions.

It doesn’t surprise me that most cyber-attacks originate from countries with poor economies. With just an internet access and publicly disclosed exploits for vulnerabilities and black-hat (unethical) hacking tutorials, is not hard for cyber-criminals to commit their illegal actions. Even if the security vulnerabilities are patched, human stupidity cannot be patched. Criminals can still use social engineering techniques such as pretexting and phishing to trick people and get what they want.

Some countries such as Argentina [1], do not even have laws that cover cyber-crimes. This makes cyber-crimes an open global security threat, meaning that something has to be done with international laws.

As far as it concerns the international laws; in the article the author states that there is little or no international legislation that contains criminal defense mechanisms against cyber-crimes. [2] However, there are a few multi-jurisdictional legislations such as in the European Union law.[2]

[1] http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/1932191.stm

[2] http://www.criminallawyergroup.com/criminal-defense/the-evolution-of-cybercrime-from-past-to-the-present.php

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