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Filed under: Site News, Uncategorized
posted by D1m on 31 Oct 2007

Regarding New Updates On This Blog And Contribution Matters

I know I haven’t posted on this blog for a long time, you can tell that! :) Other important projects in digital and real life kept me really busy. Soon enough will join the navy for a 9 months period, though will keep on blogging whenever I have free time. If you would like to contribute or suggest improvements for this blog, then please do not hesitate to e-mail me with the following details:

Full name:
Security projects participated/currently participating:
Programming knowledge:
Certifications if any:

Thank you,

Filed under: Site News
posted by D1m on 19 Feb 2007

Law Theme PageRank Buttons

Criminal Lawyer Group announced their law theme pagerank buttons for law / legal / rights websites. It is a new way of showing pagerank for related websites. By copy-pasting the codes to your website’s appropriate pages, you can display pagerank law buttons(visuals) on your pages. Samples can be seen at CriminalLawyerGroup.com pages.

Already too many websites are using these buttons. DDoSed.com covers social, legal and ethical aspects of IT security issues and because I liked the buttons, decided to add them on my sidebar. =)